Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Reflection on Learning So Far.....Under Philosophy and Organization:
Structures - Middle grades teacher effectively employ practices such as interdisciplinary teaming, advisory programs, flexible grouping, flexible block schedules, personalized schedules, and common teacher planning time. In reflecting on the past 2 days, our team has spent much time on looking at the new restructured teacher's advisory program, the scheduling and teaming. Our main topic of action research is around the TA's so we have reviewed several models, interviewed students, spoken with other teachers in different districts as well as our own who have used differing models of TA and feel we have a good plan moving forward.
A memorable opportunity for learning was when we were able to have a panel of 6 students come and we were able to ask questions around their own experiences with TA's. This feedback was valuable as we learned things that did and did not work. This again validated my belief on how much the kids get it! When we give them the structure, limits, genuine caring and expectations, they will fly with it!

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